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The following is a list useful links that may be of interest. The inclusion of any link does not necessarily imply total and unqualified endorsement of all aspects or issues associated with those sites, but merely that they may be useful or of interest.
Favorite Sites
Unlike many seminaries and Bible colleges, Toronto Baptist Seminary and Bible College is operated not as a separate educational institution unaffiliated with a local church, but, rather, is a ministry of Jarvis St. Baptist Church in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Historically, its primary emphasis has been the training of Christians in order to prepare them to return as preachers and service in their home countries. The seminary provides on-campus studies, as well as correspondence courses..
A museum in Petersburg, KY, founded by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis, to provide real scientific evidence of the Biblical account and actual historical timetable of Creation and Noah's Flood. A Christ-centered scientific journey through history! While true faith cannot be proven or reasoned without the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit, this museum gives the Christian real answers to some of the world's objections to the Biblical account of man's origins, as well as challenging the non-Christian to rethink many of the theories which secular and atheistic "science" has presented as "facts".
The largest source of Spurgeon resources on the Web! A compilation of sermons, documents, devotionals, and other archives relating to Charles H. Spurgeon, the Baptist preacher often called the "Prince of Preachers".
A publication by Pastor Ovid Nead of Providence Baptist Church in West Virginia, this link is an excellent source for the latest informaiton regarding the work of Indian missionary & church-planter Dr. Joel Saripalli.

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