Meet the Preachers
Unity Through Diversity -- Three Preachers of the Triune God
3 different styles, with a common message -- preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.
WILLIAM P. ROBBINS -- Senior Pastor & Elder
BILL ROBBINS served as senior pastor & preaching elder at SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH from 1969 until he was called to his eternal reward on May 3, 2015. He has completed many topical studies, expository preaching on most books of the Bible and the major Christian doctrines, and completed an in-depth series on Philippians and Colossians. Most recently, he preached on the characteristics and importance of the local church.
Bill and his wife Shirley are the parents of 7 children. They celebrated their 57th wedding anniversary on June 29, 20134
RAYMOND C. RUCH, SR. -- Preacher
RAY RUCH served in the ministry for over 50 years at various churches in the Milton and Northumberland areas, and had preached alternate Sunday evenings at SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH for more than 20 years.He has taught series on Revelation, Isaiah, and many other subjects. After series on Job and David, he had preached an exposition of the book of 1 John..
Raymond and his wife Betty recently celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary and are the parents of 6 children.
RICHARD A. WALTZ -- Pastor & Elder
RICK WALTZ is pastor & elder at SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH. He has served as a deacon and Bible teacher since 1993. In June, 2006, he was licensed and certified as a minister of the Gospel. He earned a Diploma in Biblical Studies from Toronto Baptist Seminary in April, 2011. He served as assistant pastor and elder from June, 2011 - May, 2015.
He completed series on the LIfe of Christ, Hebrews, Romans, the Minor Prophets, the Names of God, and the Names of Christ, he has just finished preaching a series on basic Christian doctrines using the framework of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith. After a 3-year exposition of Revelation, he preaced an expository series on Esther. Rick then preached an exposition of 1 & 2 Timothy, and 1 & 2 Samuel.
Rick and his wife Deb have been married for 27 years & homeschooled their 2 children, Nathanael & Hannah.
Others have shared the preaching and teaching responsibilities at SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH, including elders, members of the church, and occasional guests.
DANIEL L. ROBBINS -- Elder / Chaplain
Dan previously served in the role of a Deacon and studied at Toronto Baptist Seminary. He serves as a Chaplain, visiting various area nursing homes and people in the community. He preaches occasionally, in the absence of the pastor.
ROBERT E. KLOTZ -- Founding Elder/Senior Deacon & Pianist
BOB KLOTZ has served as a founding elder at SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH for more than 41 years and now serves as Senior Deacon. Hehas occasionally preached on a variety of topics.
He and his wife Peggy have been married for 61 years and have 2 children.
Recently gone to be with the Lord after serving as a pastor in Portland, OR, and a founding partner of the ECCLESIASTICAL LAW CENTER, Dr. Wright has visited SOVEREIGN GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH on several occasions, teaching on the principles of the Lordship church--that the local church is an autonomous organism solely under the Headship of the Lord Jesus Christ--and the principles of Christian financial stewardship.